viernes, 4 de marzo de 2011

Film Questionnaire

Film questionnaire

How would you define a good film?
A good film is entertaining, explores what can be done with the film medium, has an original idea behind it and pulls the viewer into the story.

If you like a film, do other people have the right to tell you you’re wrong?
No. Everyone knows better than anyone else what they like and what they don't.

How should people behave in the cinema?
It depends on the film. In serious films people should keep quiet and not disturb the rest of the audience. In horror films it would be okay to scream.

Is film an art form? Explain your answer.
Yes. It combines different art forms, like music, and is an art form in itself.

Who should get the final credit for a film, why?
If everyone worked just as hard as everyone else, then it should go to their group. The problem is that usually there is one person or a few people who really put their hearts into a film, so I think that final credit should the most committed and hardworking person.

How many different roles can you think of in the making of a film?
Director, editor, producer, scriptwriter, actor, actress, make-up, special effects, composer, sound mixer, costume designer and assistants.

Is there a function of film?
Yes. Film is important in society as entertainment, a work generator, education, guidance and artistic expression.

Why do people make films?
To entertain, to make money, to educate themselves, to seek guidance and to express themselves artistically.

Do film makers have a moral responsibility to their audiences?
To a certain point. I think that it depends on the message of the film: is it important enough to communicate despite the offensive material it may contain? Similar to the does-the-end-justify-the-means issue. Also, there are ratings to regulate what certain age groups watch.

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