jueves, 17 de marzo de 2011

Jurassic Park - Random Scene

Jurassic Park (1993)
Directed by Steven Spielberg
Random Scene

There are two ways to analyze a film: Internal and External.

Descriptive Stage
Establishing shot: There are two red cars with the JP logo driving across green fields with trees and a clear sky.
The cars both stop. Someone in one of the cars notices something. His jaw drops and he stands up. He nudges a woman, and she has the same reaction. They see a huge brachiosaur feeding on the trees. The scientists seem to react with wonder, but one man seems only to think about the money.

Analytical Stage
Think about:
-Camera angle
-Lighting / colour
-Sound / Diagetic
-Composition / Contrasts
-Close up / Long shot
-Editing / Chronology

Contrasts in colour between red and green. Vertical shots, deep depth of field. Non-diagetic sound (music): gives it a feeling of wonder.
Goes into a close up of one of the cars and we hear the sound of the car. Brings the viewer back to reality.  Car is red, colour of passion, blood and danger. Fills the space that used to be green, colour of nature. Note: red is a motif.
Zoom in to one of the characters, the one with a hat. He seems very surprised, takes of his glasses to see better. Increases the suspense because the viewer doesn’t know what he is looking at.

Films are like sources. We ask questions about it like we do in history.

Who made it?
It was directed by Steven Spielberg.

Filming began in August 1992. Released on June 1993.

Why did (s)he make it?
Spielberg wanted to direct Schindler’s list, but Universal Studios told him that they would only let him make that film after directing Jurassic Park. Also, it was a good opportunity to make money.

Who is the intended audience?
Anyone older than 13 who wants to watch a fun film.

What is our engagement with the film?
 Most of the audience just enjoys the movie. It's fun, has an interesting plotline and realistic effects (outstanding when it came out). It also has a powerful message: don't mess with nature or nature will mess with you.

Who financed/produced the film?
Financed by Universal Pictures
Producers: Kathleen Kennedy
                 Gerald R. Molen
                 Steven Spielberg

Who really called the shots (was in control) in the film?
Steven Spielberg

What tradition is it in (genre)?
Action adventure science fiction thriller

How much money did it make – and consequences of this?
It made $914,691,118 out of a $63 million budget. Two sequels, a franchise and a lot of merchandising ensued.

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